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iroh v0.34 - Raw Public Keys in TLS

by ramfox

Welcome to a new release of iroh, a library for building on direct connections between devices, putting more control in the hands of your users.

We have one major addition in iroh and one major addition in iroh-blobs this release: the ability to use Raw Public Keys in TLS certificates in iroh and an expanded Tags API in iroh-blobs. Also, for folks who relay on Discovery to find locally discovered nodes in your network, we’ve done a major rename, from LocalSwarmDiscover to MdnsDiscovery.

🔑 Raw Public Keys in TLS Certificates

Thanks to the work done by the libp2p team, we have been able to use self-signed certificates to enable QUIC connections between endpoints. However, that comes with carrying around a lot of custom code that makes adjustments to the way that TLS certificates are verified.

With the addition of raw public keys in iroh, we can follow the TLS 1.3 specification to make encrypted connections between two peers using public keys in TLS certificates. It's important to the n0 team to lean into open standards as much as we can. This change also gives us more options, for example, we can possibly move to using OpenSSL for our TLS needs, since it supports Raw Public Keys.

While this a great change for iroh as we move forward, switching over to raw public keys in your code is a major breaking change: nodes that use the “old” version, iroh at v0.33.0 or earlier, will not be able to talk to nodes using raw public keys in TLS.

To ease the transition, we’ve made raw public keys default in iroh, but have added a simple API to keep the old X.509 certificates in TLS possible.

Let’s talk about breaking changes…

There are a few wire-level breaking changes that will eventually pop up in iroh for the 1.0 release, and this is one of them. We are doing our best to hold onto all of the legacy code for as long as possible, and only remove the old legacy once before the iroh 1.0 release. This will likely occur for our first release candidate, though it’s possible it will happen before.

Either way, please note: there will be a major breaking change coming. We will make sure to sign-post it well, so you have plenty of warning!

Back to Raw Public Keys!

We’ve added the ability to use raw public keys in TLS certificates, by default.

To make the transition smooth, however, we you can keep your endpoint on X.509 certificates easily:

let endpoint = Endpoint::builder()
   .tls_x509() // <--- this enables the old style TLS authentication
   // ...

Eventually, before 1.0, this option will be removed, but you will get fair warning!

Checkout PR #2937 for more details.

🏷️ Expanded Tag API in iroh-blobs

A Tag in iroh-blobs is a name you can give to content to mark it as important. It also functions as a way to tell the iroh-blobs garbage collector “keep this around, I want it.”

We previously had a relatively limited API around tags, but it’s been largely expanded for this most recent release of iroh-blobs. They are a very useful concept, and can allow you to associated arbitrary data with a hash inside your node. For more on tags, check out the tags blog post, that goes into detail about the API and gives examples on how it can be used.

For an overview on the API changes, I’ll leave you with an excerpt from the blog:

The current API has been extended to give the full capability of a key-value store for tags. You can get the value of individual tags, list them by range or prefix, and even bulk delete them by range or prefix. In addition we added the ability to atomically rename a tag.

Be really careful with bulk deletion of tags. If you delete all tags, all your data will soon be gone.

Check out PR #69 and the tags blog post for more details.

🗺️ Rename LocalSwarmDiscovery to MdnsDiscovery

We were being too pedantic when naming LocalSwarmDiscovery. The crate we rely on, swarm-discovery, is an opinionated implementation of mDNS. Naming the discovery system LocalSwarm is confusing, when networking folks likely already understand the purpose of mDNS. It’s changed now. iroh::discovery::local_swarm_discovery is now iroh::discovery::mdns, and iroh::discovery::local_swarm_discovery::LocalSwarmDiscovery is now iroh::discovery::mdns::MdnsDiscovery .

Checkout PR #3215 for more details.

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • iroh
    • added:
      • endpoint::Builder::tls_x509 to enable using X.509 TLS certificates.
    • changed:
      • renamed iroh::discovery::local_swarm_discovery to iroh::discovery::mdns
      • renamed iroh::discovery::local_swarm_discovery::LocalSwarmDiscovery to iroh::discovery::mdns::MdnsDiscovery
      • changed the default cert format for Reloading certificate mode from DER to PEM
      • trait method ProtocolHandler::accept(&self, connection: iroh::endpoint::Connection) used to take an iroh::endpoint::Connecting, now takes a iroh::endpoint::Connection.
  • iroh-net-report
    • removed:
      • iroh-base: We removed the unused getrandom optional dependency. As such, there doesn't exist a getrandom feature flag in iroh-base anymore.
      • MAPPED_ADDR_PORT is removed.
    • changed:
      • IpMappedAddr::socket_addr -> IpMappedAddr::private_socket_addr

But wait, there's more!

Many bugs were squashed, and smaller features were added. For all those details, check out the full changelog:

If you want to know what is coming up, check out the v0.35.0 milestone, and if you have any wishes, let us know about the issues! If you need help using iroh or just want to chat, please join us on discord! And to keep up with all things iroh, check out our Twitter.

Iroh is a dial-any-device networking library that just works. Compose from an ecosystem of ready-made protocols to get the features you need, or go fully custom on a clean abstraction over dumb pipes. Iroh is open source, and already running in production on hundreds of thousands of devices.
To get started, take a look at our docs, dive directly into the code, or chat with us in our discord channel.