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Iroh 0.15.0 - Shut me down

by dignifiedquire

What, another iroh release, you say? Yes, we have decided to move to a regular release cadence of every two weeks. And so, here we are, two weeks after 0.14!

And a lot has happened in the last two weeks, from better shutdown to more dialing options to an integrated downloader, there should be something in this release for everyone.

🚪 Graceful Shutdown

Shutting down should be easy: just kill everything. Right? Well, it turns out that’s not always what you want. Sometimes you may want to wait for clients to finish and other times you may want to restart things without exiting the process.

We tried to handle shutdown cleanly, as well as we could, from very early on in Iroh’s development, but we did not always succeed. One of the symptoms was often visible when using the CLI, the dreaded quinn::endpoint error:

ERROR quinn::endpoint: I/O error: connection closed

We finally found a way to avoid this error, and now more gracefully handle exiting the MagicEndpoint when terminating QUIC and the underlying connections.

For more details check out: Improve magicsock's shutdown story (#2227)

⤵️ Integrated Downloader

When downloading content, you can now use the Queued downloader mode. This allows you to hook into the general downloader queue shared between documents and blobs in Iroh. This allows for better resource management and more unified reporting on download progress.

If you want the old behaviour, you can still get it using Direct mode.

let req = BlobDownloadRequest {
    format: BlobFormat::Raw,
    // New feature: you can now specify multiple sources
    // which will be tried in order
    nodes: vec![NodeAddr::new(node_id)],
    tag: SetTagOption::Auto,
    mode: DownloadMode::Queued,
let progress =;
let outcome = progress.await?;

For more details check out: Refactor downloader queue and add progress reporting (#2085)

☎️ Expanded Support for dialing by only NodeID

In the last release, we introduced iroh-dns, which allows us to dial by Node ID. In this release, we have expanded our APIs to enable easy dialing by Node ID and generating tickets with just a Node ID.

By default, tickets generated on the CLI will now only include the Node ID, and are much shorter now. Compare the new default before and after:

# 0.14
> doc share write

# 0.15
> doc share write

If you still want to add relay and direct addresses to the ticket, you can pass --addr-options RelayAndAddresses to the ticket generation commands.

For more details check out: Implement improved address sharing options (#2230)

🗄️ More binaries

You asked and we delivered! We are finally attaching prebuilt binaries to our releases. And yes, the new linux binaries are using musl, so no more outdated glibc errors 😃

The binaries that are now available are:

  • iroh - The main CLI
  • iroh-dns-server - The DNS server powering iroh-dns
  • iroh-relay - The relay server powering our relay network

⚠️ Breaking Changes

Iroh is evolving fast. At this phase breaking changes are a necessary fact of life development, but we recognize updating a dependency through breaking API changes can be a painful.

There are two major types of breaking changes: protocol changes, and API changes. Protocol changes affect the actual data and communication patterns between iroh nodes. A protocol-breaking change requires all nodes that want to communicate with each other either upgrade or implement backwards-compatibility.

The second form are API changes, which requires updating any code that imports iroh to integrate the changes. But they don’t affect the communication between nodes.

Moving forward, we’re tracking breaking changes more closely. Breaking changes to public APIs are monitored as part of CI, and will be documented in the pull request introducing them.

Protocol breaking changes are not tracked in CI, but are also expected to be documented in the PRs introducing them.

Protocol Changes

No protocol-breaking changes this time around 🎉.

API Changes


  • Renamed:
    • iroh::client::blobs::ShareTicketOptions -> iroh_base::node_addr::AddrInfoOptions
  • Changed:
    • Default for AddrInfoOptions is now Id, before it was RelayandAddresses
  • Added
    • addr_options to iroh::client::docs::Docs.share
    • Id varint to AddrInfoOptions
    • The BlobDownloadRequest has a new field mode to select between direct and queued downloads, and now contains a list of nodes in place of a single node before


  • Removed:
    • Role enum
  • Downloader::queue now takes a DownloadRequest with more options than before
  • DownloadProgress has a new variant InitialState which is emitted when attaching to an already-running download
  • ConcurrencyLimits gained a new field


  • MagicEndpoint::close now consumes the endpoint.
  • Added
    • RelayUrlInfo combines the relay_url and additional information about the state of our connection
  • Renamed:
    • MagicSock::tracked_endpoints -> MagicSock::connection_infos
    • MagicSock::tracked_endpoint -> MagicSock::connection_info
    • magicsock::EndpointInfo -> magicsock::ConnectionInfo
    • iroh_net::magicsock::ConnectionType -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::ConnectionType
    • iroh_net::magicsock::ControlMsg -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::ControlMsg
    • iroh_net::magicsock::ConnectionInfo -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::ConnectionInfo
    • iroh_net::magicsock::ConnectionTypeStream -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::ConnectionTypeStream
    • iroh_net::magicsock::DirectAddrInfo -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::DirectAddrInfo
    • iroh_net::magicsock::LocalEndpointsStream -> iroh_net::magic_endpoint::LocalEndpointsStream
  • Now private:
    • module magicsock
    • iroh_net::magicsock::MagicSock Use MagicEndpoint instead.
    • iroh_net::magicsock::Options
    • iroh_net::magicsock::PacketSplitIter
    • iroh_net::magicsock::Timer
    • iroh_net::magicsock::UdpSocket


  • iroh_dns_server::config::Config struct has a new field mainline.


  • Renamed:
    • doc share --ticket-options -> doc share --addr-options


  • Moved: SetTagOption from iroh to iroh-bytes

But wait there’s more!

Many bugs were squashed and smaller features were added. For all those details you can check out the full changelog:

If you want to know what is coming up, check out the 0.16.0 milestone, and if you have any wishes let us know in the issues! If you need help using iroh or just want to chat, please join us on discord!

Iroh is a dial-any-device networking library that just works. Compose from an ecosystem of ready-made protocols to get the features you need, or go fully custom on a clean abstraction over dumb pipes. Iroh is open source, and already running in production on hundreds of thousands of devices.
To get started, take a look at our docs, dive directly into the code, or chat with us in our discord channel.